2022 Surf Boat Carnival R4 @ Scarboro
11 December 2022
1City of Perth SLSC City Tower
James Abbott, Patrick Anderson-Loake, Jack Reddrop, Steven Vincent, Cameron Wishaw
2Cottesloe The Muppets
Stuart Cowie, Michael Ivey, Myles Kennington, Lennart Tenten, Stuart Turnbull
3Fremantle HCM
Dean Davidson, Paul Kohler, Darren Miller, Kenneth Ringrose
4Mullaloo Rebels
Richard Calnon, Jack Colbourne, John Mcdonagh, Serhan Memik, Darren Protzman
5City of Perth SLSC City Phantoms
Lloyd Kelly, John Leivers, Bruce Lilburne, Theo Magne, Peter Waey
Round 3 Heat 1
1City of Perth SLSC City Tower
James Abbott, Patrick Anderson-Loake, Jack Reddrop, Steven Vincent, Cameron Wishaw
2Fremantle HCM
Dean Davidson, Paul Kohler, Darren Miller, Kenneth Ringrose
3Cottesloe The Muppets
Stuart Cowie, Michael Ivey, Myles Kennington, Lennart Tenten, Stuart Turnbull
4City of Perth SLSC City Phantoms
Lloyd Kelly, John Leivers, Bruce Lilburne, Theo Magne, Peter Waey
5Sorrento (WA) The Dregs
Andrew Grant, Brendan Howson, Michael Monisse-Redman, Matt Teede, Dale Ward
6Mullaloo Rebels
Richard Calnon, Jack Colbourne, John Mcdonagh, Serhan Memik, Darren Protzman
Round 2 Heat 1
1Cottesloe The Muppets
Stuart Cowie, Michael Ivey, Myles Kennington, Lennart Tenten, Stuart Turnbull
2City of Perth SLSC City Tower
James Abbott, Patrick Anderson-Loake, Jack Reddrop, Steven Vincent, Cameron Wishaw
3Mullaloo Rebels
Richard Calnon, Jack Colbourne, John Mcdonagh, Serhan Memik, Darren Protzman
4Fremantle HCM
Dean Davidson, Paul Kohler, Darren Miller, Kenneth Ringrose
5Sorrento (WA) The Dregs
Andrew Grant, Brendan Howson, Michael Monisse-Redman, Matt Teede, Dale Ward
6City of Perth SLSC City Phantoms
Lloyd Kelly, John Leivers, Bruce Lilburne, Theo Magne, Peter Waey
Round 1 Heat 1
1City of Perth SLSC City Tower
James Abbott, Patrick Anderson-Loake, Jack Reddrop, Steven Vincent, Cameron Wishaw
2Cottesloe The Muppets
Stuart Cowie, Michael Ivey, Myles Kennington, Lennart Tenten, Stuart Turnbull
3Fremantle HCM
Dean Davidson, Paul Kohler, Darren Miller, Kenneth Ringrose
4City of Perth SLSC City Phantoms
Lloyd Kelly, John Leivers, Bruce Lilburne, Theo Magne, Peter Waey
5Sorrento (WA) The Dregs
Andrew Grant, Brendan Howson, Michael Monisse-Redman, Matt Teede, Dale Ward
6Mullaloo Rebels
Richard Calnon, Jack Colbourne, John Mcdonagh, Serhan Memik, Darren Protzman
1City of Perth SLSC City Phantoms
Lloyd Kelly, John Leivers, Bruce Lilburne, Theo Magne, Peter Waey
2City of Perth SLSC City Tower
James Abbott, Patrick Anderson-Loake, Jack Reddrop, Steven Vincent, Cameron Wishaw
3Cottesloe The Muppets
Stuart Cowie, Michael Ivey, Myles Kennington, Lennart Tenten, Stuart Turnbull
4Fremantle HCM
Dean Davidson, Paul Kohler, Darren Miller, Kenneth Ringrose
5Mullaloo Rebels
Richard Calnon, Jack Colbourne, John Mcdonagh, Serhan Memik, Darren Protzman
6North Cottesloe Maulers
Greg Hogan, Mark McDermott, Steve Penrose, Michael Rigoll, Patrick Walsh
7Sorrento (WA) The Dregs
Andrew Grant, Brendan Howson, Michael Monisse-Redman, Matt Teede, Dale Ward
Live Club Standings
City of Perth SLSC14
Swanbourne Nedlands4

If you need to report a problem with results, please email surfsports@slswa.com.au